If you spend as much time as me ploughing through the
internet, searching for worthwhile blogs, sites or
facebook profiles, you'll undoubtedly find the odd gem amongst the rubbish.
Morgan Maassen, a young talent from California caught my attention the other day and if he was female I would be buying an engagement ring. Incredible photos and a wizz on photoshop this kid is amazing.
Here are my two
favourites all though there are
hundreds just as good on his site.
Irritatingly good
haha thanks for the bloggage, sorry i'm not a lady ;)
and i actually don't use photoshop.. i don't need to do anything more to my photos than iPhoto offers: exposure, contrast, and black & white.
Its a real shame!
sorry for assuming photoshop made the difference.
A blog that features on my favourites. Hope Santa Barbs is offering up some nice winter beauts.
peace x
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